Versatile Gun Dog
Welcome to Versatile Gundog.
I'm Adam Baudoux, a new dog owner, along with Scott Brosier from Pine Hill Kennel in Rockford, MI. A couple years back when I was considering purchasing a 9 month old Deutsch-Drahthaar named Evie. Scott was able to shed a ton of light on the gun dog world and dog handling.
I did have a lab for 8 years but didn’t do any type of formal training and just “winged” it. This time around I promised myself and the dogs that it would be different and different it has been.
There is so much information out there and it can be overwhelming yet it doesn’t have to be. Here is a conversation between Scott and myself just discussing what by definition Versatile Gundog means to us.
Adam Baudoux
So what is a versatile gundog?
Scott Brosier
Simply, a versatile gundog is one that is capable of doing a multitude of different tasks. It doesn't have to be anything specific. It doesn’t necessarily have to do bird hunting, waterfowl or tracking. It can be a multitude of other tasks.
In the realm of the Drahthaar their focus is a dog that is capable of being mentally stable in the field for birds, being functional as a waterfall dog or retriever, and also as a functioning tracking dog for recovery of game. However, it's not limited to just that as you know.
They become more of a fixture in our families.
Adam Baudoux
For me a versatile gun dog goes beyond just its capabilities in the field. I have a wife and two young kids at home that are seven and nine years old, they need to have the obedience inside the house and the mannerisms around the kids, their friends, and other family members.
Scott, you have walked me through this entire process. But for someone who doesn't know dog handling or is new to the gun dog industry, where do you even begin to start training?
Scott Brosier
That's the idea behind Versatile Gun Dog - to capture and document the step by step process on how to help you train your dog to be a pleasure to hunt behind for the game species you pursue.
Adam Baudoux
You and I have talked about the many different routes you can take while training your hunting dog. Not one dog is that same - there are hard dogs and soft dogs, different personalities within those classifications and different training tactics you can implement based on your specific dog.
Scott Brosier
You're absolutely right. Every dog is rather unique and they may need a little tweak here or there. Understanding that dog is critical to your success with your hunting dog and building that relationship.
Over time. And as you know, training just never stops. It’s a forever endeavor.